A nice overcast day today with a few rolling showers and at times some quick down pours. Summer comes to a head on Monday (officially) and this Sunday is the last day of summer! But why would I be excited? There will start to be more overcast days which makes shooting (cameras) almost anytime during the day much easier but you lose some of those sunsets and sunrise days. The give, the take!

I was out in the late morning doing a short 24 mile ride on the bicycle when I went by a field between Hwy 99W and Riddell Rd in Polk County, Oregon. There were six hawks, I believe they were 'Red Tailed' Hawks as they are pretty prominent around here. It was unusual to see so many in one medium sized field all feasting (I think mice or voles). Anyway I went back later in the PM when some showers were rolling through and took a few shots. The one included here is a hawk up on top of an evergreen tree as I was about 70 yards away, leaning against a pole next to another tree and trying to keep my big lens (Sigma 135-400) steady and dry! It was good to just see them and watch it take flight just a few shutter clicks latter.
I have added
in another shot of a Red Winged Black Bird that I caught along the side of the road back in mid-April. It just sat there singing while I shot from the car across the road.

You gotta love these birds! Now get out and enjoy what the world around us has to offer!
Thanks for reading. Tim -