Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Maybe a thought in May

Well I see that I am well over a month since a post has occurred! I will apologize for that as I just do not make the time to do this blog, but will get better. I have been busy with family, work, facebook, etc. Going into this memorial day weekend it appears that our whole weekend is not booked with activities! Sleep in time?

I am going to post a photo of the capital in Salem that I took in haste back in December when it was cold out! The snow had been pretty messed up by the time I got down there but it was still pretty neat to see. Over in the upper right behind the capital you an see the outlines (in lights) of the 'Star Trees' on the Willamette University campus. They light them up every year and it is very nice during the holidays. Oh yeah, the snow! We do not get that much in this valley but this past December of 2008 we got around 30 inches at our house and we only live at 500 feet of elevation.
I am going to try to update this more often and I have said this a few times before but I mean it this time!

Thanks for checking in.
