Let's talk about things that happened sometime back shall we? Every year the family, to include Grandma and the dog head to the coast to celebrate my spouse's Birthday. We have been doing Lincoln City for quite a few years via Hotel or renting a house. Did one year in Newport also but a lot of stairs to get down to the beach from the Hotel.
This past year we opted for Pacific City and rented a house for a Friday thru Sunday. We had about a 1/3 of mile
walk through the neighborhood to get to the beach and walk down the big Sand Dune/Wall. Various ways to get there but one was an asphalt path that led to a nice switchback boarded walkway up to the top. There they had a little platform and you go head out the beach from there or just sit and enjoy.

Saturday evening my daughter and I headed up there for 'Sundown' and see if we could get some shots. I have included one here and have posted some more with intent to post more out to my purchase site soon. Anyway this was fun to shoot and stay out of the way of others doing the same thing. I kind of wedged into the sand on the edge of some of the tall grass there and supported my camera with a monopod. Could have done away having the Grass and some other shots I have no grass as I moved my position. My daughter shot with a little Point and Shoot and man were things fuzzy! Anyway, hope you enjoy the shot and thanks for stopping by!