Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sunrise, Birds and shoot the Moon

Here we are just flying though June and I am sitting down to the once a week deal of an update to the page.

I spent a little time in May sitting out in front of my house shooting the moon! The neighbors did not seem to mind as it was actually me taking photos of the moon as it was working towards full. During the early and later part of May the moon made it to full so the later we call a 'blue moon'. I try to pick it up in various stages and with the longer daylight you have more sunlight from the setting sun to help light the moon. This moon shot is from the first week of May, and has been cropped in a bit to help show some of the craters. Sorry for being a bit out of focus, I should have used the remote trigger on this application. I am working on more of these shots to post to my regular "smugmug" account.

I also have some bird feeders off the deck in the back yard and they attract a fair number of finches, sparrows and other little birds to feed for free. This shot is a handful of the little feathered friends waiting their turn for an open space at the feeder below (out of shot).

It is also great to wake up in the morning and see where the sun is rising in proximity to Mt. Hood. I have some great view of Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens from the deck, of course some of that is weather dependent. Here is a shot from a sunrise in May, if you like it you should check out some other sunrise shots in my 'smugmug' site. Just look for the links on the right of this page.

Well that will wrap it for the moment. Have to get something else done but can not remember what it is. Thanks for stopping in for a look.
Tim -


Robert said...

It's amazing what can be found right outside your door. These are great.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Roberto.

Jesse Finch Gnehm said...

I love the finches ;-) The shot of Hood is really great.

Rubberloaf said...

Ja for taking pictures!