My Ride & the Kestrel
Whoa! It has been a while since I have been out here working on the bloggishness of my site. Can I use that long b..... word? I will try to do some updating over the next several days and try to get more regular on blogging. Wanted to make sure what I was to be regular on! It also helps having our daughter out for four days at a camp (her first) so we will not see much of her until Wednesday. Hope she makes it through.Back in June I was taking a little ride, a bit rainy and some wind out on the west side of the 'eola hills' from where I live in West Salem. Just ahead of me along Greenwood rd heading south I see two birds hanging by the side of the road. As I approach one flies off but the other kind of hovers by the road. I go by it and then turn around as I thought it looked like a little immature Hawk or something. After staring it down and having it retreat to the brush about seven feet from the road I felt better and kept peddling along. Still not sure what type of bird, but am sure it is a member of those 'Birds of Prey'!
As curiosity killed the cat so did this feathered friend spark my interest. So later in the day around 4:30 PM I drove back out to the area with some of my camera gear and would you believe it, the little bugger was sitting in a field across the road from the AM siting. So I walked along the road and got some shots and it was working its wings with the wind and flew off to a post close by my car parked on a side road. Then I just let the bird sit there on the post and it allowed me to get closer to it, until I was about 15-20 feet max distance from it. I was also shooting with a 70-200/f2.8 lens so didn't need to be super close!
Anyway after about five minutes the little fella tested it's wings and flew back across the road next to another field. That is where the other shot came in, as I was able to sit along the side of the road where the bird flexed its wings and made itself look like a big old monster....can you see it!It eventually flew off to some small scrub oaks and blackberry vines near the field and away from the road
so I packed up and headed for home. Upon return I was tring to figure out what the bird was and thinking a 'Sharped Shinned Hawk' or a 'Copper's Hawk'? Obviously in an immature stage but was not paying attention to markings on the head. Neither was correct, after looking at my birding books, the answer was right in front of me.....'American Kestrel'. Looks like it is in the immature stage and watching it learn to fly I would guess that to be true.No harm came of this bird while capturing the images and I gave it as much space as needed so hopefully not to stress it. What a great day that was, and makes me appreciate those rare moments when I get a chance to be so close to something so beautiful. Oh yeah it was back on June 24th, I have ridden by there several times since but have yet to see the Kestrel or any of its other family. I took a bunch more shots but just sampling two out on the blog.Tim -
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