Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Find A Niche!

I was sitting around the other day seeing my e-mail box fill up with OBRA racing results and photo links from a recent Sunday Cross race held in the good state of Oregon. I was pretty amazed at the speed of some of the photo postings and started to realize that just about half the folks watching a race are shooting some record of the days happenings. Some post their photos to share because they want to and others like myself post to share but also to make money.

Sure I have a day job that pays the bills and for my equipment but would like to actually make photography my day/bill paying job...someday! Anyway, it got me to thinking why do I waste time shooting at events and why am I shooting anything at all. But it came to me as I was reading Outdoor Photographer while taking a break at work and in this one article there it was. You have to find your "Niche" and be the best at it......Damn! That's all it is?!

Well, I will still shoot races now and then or hire out for a team to shoot just them in a race, but I think my days of wasting time traveling, shooting, post production for most cycling are about over. I might shoot when I actually go to a race to race but will have to see about that, it doesn't fit with my Niche.

My Niche: I think it lies in animals and landscapes, as I truly love shooting birds (not the one finger type) with the camera and I love landscapes be it vast open spaces or urban jungles. So I will try to direct my focus that way and see where this journey will continue to take me. I will continue with this bolg and try to post photos here along with more photos to smugmug and one more outlet which I will talk about once it is set up.

So there you have it! Find what you do really well, and then work to become the best you can be at that thing you do well. Simple!

bye, tim -

1 comment:

Robert said...

How about a niche just photographing me. I mean, look at me, I'm beautiful... But seriously, You have a gift and good luck with it. The things I see on this blog truly are beautiful. You do nice work. Thanks for making the world a little more better with your photos. : )