Here we are heading towards Mid-August and the 'Dog Days' of summer! Where I grew up in Nebraska this became the hottest time of year with humidity equalling the air temperature. I would sweat in the shade in the middle of the night it was so hot at times.
Well, now here we are in Salem, Oregon and yes we do get some temps in the 90's but overall we only get 2-3 days of this in a row and then it is back into the low and mid 80's. We actually just had a few days here in August with the highs in the low 70's with night time temps in the 50's and 60's. If you have never been here in the Pacific NW, don't believe the rain stories....we seriously get very little rain June - September and even in our town the annual average is only 42 inches of precipitation per year. Keep moving and the moss will not
grow on you much!

Anyway, I was going through some older photos and came across this one in a set of shots from July of 2007. This is a view looking [N/NE] from our deck over the roof tops and you can kind of make out Mt. St. Helen's in the background in the middle right. When we do have these evenings it is good to sit out on the deck, enjoy a beer and watch the view!
Wherever you are I hope that you enjoy your sunsets and sunrises and everything around you. Enjoy every moment and never take to much for granted!
Tim -
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