Still out in the West of Wyoming but actually East from my home base in Oregon. A second day we went out to find animals to photograph and not much luck out the South Fork Road from Cody.
There often is plenty out there but was not our day and we were

giving up hope. Then some Pronghorn came into view and got Grandma to pull the van over to a safe place. I was along a fence line about 200 yards plus from the animals. Viewing from about 100 plus feet higher then they were and the wind was blowing about 20 mph. I held the camera to the top of an old fence post to steady the shot and it worked okay.
I have cropped in some on this so the animals are really not very crisp but they were not spooked with me being so far away, and not even sure they knew we were there! I will continue to seek those Pronghorn out and get some good shots.
Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!