This can bring us some good photo opportunities near Yellowstone Park as some animals are still down lower to the rivers and creeks during the daytime an
d head back in the hills during the evening and night. We had hopes of catching some Elk, Bison and possibly Grizzly Bear as it had been reported some had broken their hibernation.

We didn't have luck on those but did run into some small groupings of Big Horn Sheep near the N. Shoshone river (I think that is the name of it). Also have numerous shots of Mule Deer and some Pronghorn and will add those to the regular website when I make the time.
Here I have two shots, one being out the airplane window as we fly over the cascades out SeaTac Airport and the other is a pretty solid Ram. They have lighter coats as the winter wears on into spring then will start getting their darker brown coats later in Summer to fall.
Thanks for checking things out! Tim
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