So I decided to finally put up a shot that is at least from this current calendar year, since we are starting the month of April already. It is one or the same Cooper's Hawk that visits my backyard at least once a week in search of some unsuspecting smaller prey. I have had a fair amount of feathers this year so I am thinking between the Cooper's Hawk(s) and some Sharp Shinned Hawks they are keeping my free loading birds in check. But on the positive side, I would bet that the Hawks may only make a strike 1 in 10 tries. Most of the time the little birds are out of sight and silent!

Of course none of this would happen if I didn't enjoy having the other small birds around and feeding them. Plus many of them eat little insects and so forth and that help keep that population down in our hood.
In this case I wonder if the Hawk thinks that maybe a bird would just belly up to the feeder for and easy meal and hence become an easy meal.
Thanks for stopping in! Tim
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