Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nice View for backpacking! Tetons!

So I will include a shot from what we were able to see over half the time we were backpacking in Wyoming in the Teton Wilderness. We headed out of the Pacific Creek TH that was just inside the gates at Moran Junction.

As we hiked up the trail that more/less followed the creek it opened up to a very large valley that had Pacific creek running through it along with several other creeks that flowed into Pacific creek which all (may someday) end up flowing to the Pacific Ocean. Probability is pretty low due to all the other folks taking out some of the liquid resources along the way but some of the water may make it?

Anyway, on the first day hiking in we turned around and this was the constant site we had at our backs. It was great having it coming out also! The Tetons rising above and we were at 7,000 plus feet going through this valley it was a grand site to see. I took this shot from where Gravel Creek comes down and joins with Pacific Creek looking back Westerly. Although the bugs were horrible back there this year the scenery was worth it!

Enjoy! Tim -

Friday, July 29, 2011

Back from Wyoming

Got back last Saturday 7/23 in the mid afternoon. Good trip back in Wyoming but lots of those damn mosquitoes and it drove me out a day or so early. That allowed me to actually go through Yellowstone park and visit my folks for a couple nights back in Cody.

Then headed back to Jackson, WY, to catch up with the rest of the crew and have night in Jackson checking things out and Friday AM on 7/22 headed home! I made it to John Day, OR, were I spent the night before pushing home last Saturday. After going through the Hwy 26 drive of Oregon, I saw some excellent mountain areas that I think will have to go back and hike and do some camping or something. Looks like excellent Elk territory and I have heard there are some Mt. goats up in some of those eastern Oregon ranges.

I'll post a shot or two of the Tetons hopefully by the end of this weekend.

Tim -

Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting Ready - Wyoming One Week away

As I type this on this Friday evening (7/8) I think that in one week I should be in Twin Falls, ID catching a nights rest before pushing into Wyoming in the Bridger-Teton Wilderness area to do some backpacking with my brothers and few friends. We'll be heading out of the Pacific Creek Drainage and do about 5 days in the back country.

I would like to get some good photos while there of any animals that want to come near our motley crew but will not mind keeping distance between us and any Grizzly Bears. I have had the wonderful experience of being within about 40 yards of a Sow/cub several years ago and was glad they took off to the trees. I have done some photos from the road in Yellowstone and that is good enough. Enjoy from a distance! I definitely should get some decent landscapes though.

I will have to make some serious lens choice as I want to minimize weight of my gear as I will be humping around my food, water, sleeping bag/pad, extra weather gear and either all of a tent or part of the tent if I can get a tent roomie to share the load.

I will try and post something a day or two prior to leaving. Will get some shots out as soon as I return from the trip.

Thanks for checking in! Tim