Thursday, December 24, 2020

 Seven years and seven months since I last posted anything on this blog.  Who will read it?  If no one does, that is okay as I need to find release and escape in things other than teaching.  Yes, I have my coaching and that is good, if we ever get to have a season, damn you Covid-19!  But as a photographer I am breaking away from what little ways I made money.

I no longer will pursue the portrait photography, it's over, done and most anyone with a camera thinks they might be the next Annie Leibovitz.  Not saying there are not some decent photographers doing the work locally, and bless them for working their ass off for what little they are making.  I will do it for friends that want it done and done well.  I will quit shooting athletic teams unless requested, as again, by the time the players hit high school.  Most parents have enough team and individual pictures.  I will work for those who wish some action shots during their competitions.

My focus is going to go back to nature and that which surrounds us!  I feel pretty strongly that we as humans are killing our mother (earth).  We consume resources, pollute our world and honestly we are getting to the tipping point of earth's carrying capacity for us humans.  So as I journey and work in the world that is worth saving and not paving.  I will share with you my thoughts about that along with some photos.  I am going to work on creating some sort of web presence to help in this endeavor.  

Be well and think before you act!
