Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Posting sans Photo

Well, I am trying to get to a weekly thing going and sometimes it is going to mean no photos. Just sitting down and taking the time to post. At least I am not posting a bunch of stuff from 'youtube' for you watching enjoyment.

Post 9/11 and the sun rose today, once again in the east just south of Mt. Hood from my house view looking back at the Cascades. I will have to unload some digital photos one of these days and see what is what as I get a few shots almost every morning. I did get a couple of photo galleries updated on "SMUGMUG" over the weekend and am trying to at least do about a half-dozen a week. Check it out if you get a moment the link is over on the right. I am also in the process of going through some paper work to see about getting set up with another photo outlet called "iStock" which is a stock photography place. I can upload and hope people, businesses or what have you will download my photos....for a fee of course!

Saw that Brian Marcroft was putting up a little whining on his blog about lack of frame sales for his small business. Go check out his stuff and see if anything is maybe in the line of what you could use for a new bike frame. I am thinking about going back to some mountain biking, but haven't really made that commitment. Maybe Brian could build me a large frame (he is shorter than I) and I could build some middle of the road machine to do my damage on. We'll see about all that as the 'Funding' issue always comes into play.

My co-workers all thirteen of them, out of 1,250 have posted trips for the Bicycle commute challenge put on by the BTA out of Portland. It is currently eight more than posted trips all of last September so I have made a small improvement on getting people to try bike commuting. I am actually seeing more folks doing some bike commuting around Salem, especially going from West Salem across the bridges to work on the Marion County side. So it is pretty cool to see others whom I do not know putting their legs to good use. To them I tip my beer!

I'm going to call it for now. Keep looking forward, have no regrets and learn something new everyday! Tim-

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