Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nothing Big

Not much happening, well actually a lot is happening but I am failing to keep up with it all. I don't think there will be photos in this post as I have spent a little time on the files but not enough.

I did get a couple of shots loaded into the 'Smugmug' site. When you are out there you sometimes have to dig through the various categories and galleries and at the bottom of each there should be a date that shows last update. Sorry it isn't more convenient but you can not always choose the weapons you go to war with!

Labor day w/e came and went and I spent the better part of Saturday and Monday helping with Eugene Celebration Stage Race, doing wheel support. Pretty good courses and a great way to wind up the road racing season. At least it looked liked the racers were enjoying the courses. I couldn't believe the amount of attacking in the 'masters 35/45' group on Saturday! Glad I was driving my car full of wheel sets. Sheesh!

School starts tomorrow for all the grades in the Salem-Keizer SD, all that is except Kindergartners. Our daughter will a first grader and seems pretty stoked about getting to the class room and being at school for the whole day instead of the half day of last year being in kindergarten.

Bike Commute Challenge kicked in for the month of September here in Oregon and is sponsored by the BTA (check the link over on the right). I am the volunteer coordinator for my employer this year and have about 24 people signed up out of 1250 FTE's. Pretty sad, but people love their cars and will not think about other transportation. I try to bike commute to the day job at least three days/week. Sometimes I take a day with my honey as she works two blocks away on the same hours so at least it is two people in the car instead of just one.

Well, hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Will get something more interesting in the next posting or two.....maybe some bug shots? bye for now!

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