Well - let's see what we have been up to shall we? Not much blogging, a little bit of uploading to smugmug account and basically going to work and not making the time for the PC or much photography.

Well, that actually has been changing as I have been going out to the country side on one day per weekend. A friend told me of some Elk hanging near his farmland just West of Salem and North of the Baskett Slough Wildlife Refuge. I have spotted them but unfortunately they are usually to far away for me to work with even my longest lens. Also, it is all private land out there so will need to get permission to do some "early morning" arrival and do the sit and wait! But they are out there and in kind of unusual area I think, but hopefully they are finding some peace and joy.
While driving out and about on these country roads was able to catch some other animals, mainly
the bird life. I have included one of just a small patch of Canada Geese, we have thousands cruising up & down the valley. Also a Hawk, maybe a red tail but they never let me get to close before they up and fly. This one is just not going to stay long enough for me to get a good frontal shot so you get a backside in flight shot!

Weather has been good so have been getting miles on my bicycle and working on some projects around the house when I/we find the time. Thanks for stopping in and taking a read!
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