Another year has passed in continuum of my life. I have no complaints, well maybe none I need to talk about here or that I should bring up. But, it was another wonderful year and I look forward to another and many more!
Changes - not just my age but some things on the small business side. In order to cut some expenses I will no longer be having a generic site that gave information about me, had some photos, links, etc. Spending $200 a year for a static site didn't seem to be in the best interest at this point for my business.
I have several domains and will have them pointing to my Smugmug site which can also be accessed at for those who want to check out more photos and possibly purchase a few. This will be my focus to start up-loading photos to this site so there will be a lot more to look at. I will also be focusing on maintaining this blog a little more consistently to provide updates on things and something to while away some of my free time.
I will also be working on how to advertise services that I could provide to those that might be looking for a photographer. At the moment I am open to working with groups to shoot their event, etc. The basic cost is $60 for showing up and includes the first hour then $45/hour after that which would include shooting time and PC time if needed. I would place a cap on the amount of my charges and would work with those who have hired me. This is just a small thought on that, so if you know someone looking for a photographer, I would be happy to sit down and discuss matters with them! thanks!

Anyway, I guess I will go for now. We have changed into daylight savings time overnight so this week will be another adjustment working with a few extra daylight moments. Included in this posting is a Long Shot of a Blue Heron from a few weeks ago. I was resting my lens on a fence post in the country side and trying not have the Heron get spooked. I was probably about 100 - 125 yards on this shot so I still need to get a bigger lens. This was only a 70-200mm lens.
Have a great week! Tim
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