Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wyoming Wind

Back in the mid 90's I lived in Casper for almost two years. It was pretty good times and really had nothing going on but work and close to the mountains. But when the wind blew there it was just amazing how fierce it could be! When it snowed in the winter we would often have a few days of calm while the snow piled up then afterward would just blow and move the snow away. It always amazed me!

Well, with that thought in mind and wind energy sprouting up all over the place I come back to Wyoming. Yes the wind still blows there and probably as fierce as ever. But this past summer of 2009 as I traveled back on I-80 to a backpacking trip I ran across some turbine fields out in the middle of the High Basin plains of Wyoming. It was odd as they were not there just over six years ago on my travels out to Oregon, but progress shall not be stopped. Not even in Coal country!

I took this shot, not a great one, but one of several as I sat along side the interstate seeing these huge turbines sitting on this ridge line in the middle of this dry plains. Not really even close to any of the communities along this vehicle pipeline. It makes me hope that they do the best research to make sure environmental impacts are minimized as much as possible to those animals that roam the ground and fly the skies in this area. Yes it is cleaner power, but hope we do not sacrifice many wonderful things just so I can run my PC.
Well, enjoy the shot and please visit my website at, for other photos of wildlife, landscapes, and much more.

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